
TravelandAdventureGirl2019-09-08 Great Cycling Experience in Girona We spent a week cycling in Girona and had the most amazing experience thanks to BikeCat and our incredible (and VERY local) guide Albert. We rented top quality Canyon bikes from them and we were thrilled with the quality. The bikes were set-up to our specs when we arrived so all we had to do was add our pedals and off we went. We chose a private guide experience which allowed us a lot of flexibility. Albert listened to what was important to us and created a unique experience with great variety for every day. We were a little challenging since we wanted to swim most days in addition to riding. Albert provided an opportunity for us to swim in the Mediterranean or a local lake on all of our rides! I have had friends use BikeCat for organized tours and they were also extremely happy with their experience. Most of their business comes through referrals and repeat business which says a lot about what they do. Mark F2019-07-12 Seeing Girona through Bikecat! We fell in love with Girona while cycling all around the area with guides Jaume and Josep. We rode for 5 days that included some great climbs, gorgeous scenery and the beautiful Costa Brava. The Bikecat shop was located in the historic area of the city, with great staff that were very attentive to customer service. The bikes that were provided were top quality and the latest models. Very comfortable to ride. We will go back again and definitely utilize the services of the Bikecat staff. We highly recommend Bikecat for any cycling adventure! Inspiration6101112018-11-02 Priorat Wine Tour Oct 2018 This was an absolutely incredible tour/trip. It was exceptionally well laid out, with a warm-up ride on Day 0, a relatively light ride on Day 1, and then lots of riding for the rest of the trip, averaging over 1100m of ascents daily. The views, landscape, riding conditions, support, food, etc. were all really fantastic. Jaume, Albert, Bernat and Jordi all took exceptional care of our group of 12 angry men (of varying abilities) to make it enjoyable for all. Paired with Michael Barry from Mariposa in Toronto--who adds a whole other dimension in terms of expertise, knowledge, and interest--it made for a really exceptional week. When I came back, I kept telling people that this was one of the best trips I've ever had. It does not surprise me at all that all 70 prior reviews were 5/5. I would also add that having meals included made it all very predictable. Giving us a couple of excluded meals was totally fine--it allowed us to go on our own if we wanted. A total treasure. calgarysteve20182018-10-06 Priorat Wine Tour with Bikecat (Much more than Wine!) I just completed my first Bikecat tour with 7 pals from Calgary. It was my first bike trip of this kind and I was a little nervous about my ability to keep up. The tour was challenging, but very rewarding and the Bikecat guys (Jaume, Albert ans Bernat) were there to help at all times (including a quick fix when I had a flat tire). The biking experience exceeded all of my expectations. Travelling through towns and countryside dripping with history (and vines) was a thrill. We burned about 4000 calories a day, and we all got stronger as the trip wore on. Truth be told, we all probably would have come home stronger and lighter except that the food and wine were exceptional and we fully indulged :) Our trip included accommodation and most of our meals, so there was minimal extra expense and no ugly surprises. Riding out of multiple town sites made every ride a completely different experience, including vineyards, mountain passes, cliff side villages, monasteries, and beaches. The last night in Barcelona was also a treat! Can’t wait to see the Bikecat guys again. I would do this trip with Family, couples or another guys trip. Regardless of the group, I know we’d be in good hands. If I could give more than 5 stars I would. Thank you Bikecat :) Bob S2018-09-30 Six Day Wine Tour - Awesome! We (group of 8 fun loving riders from Calgary) spent 7 days in the Priorat wine region with Jaume and his team (Albert and Bernat were his other guides). This was our second tour with BikeCat (did Girona 6 years ago). The “wine tour” was a fantastic experience: the riding was epic (Road quality was fantastic, topography was awesome, traffic was minimal and scenery was exceptional). We did about 85K a day with about 1,500M of climbing - demanding but not crushing - and really enjoyed the rides. We rode out of three towns so saw lots of variety - ended the tour with two nights in Sitges on the Mediteranian so enjoyed some beach time as well. We were incredibly well hosted by Jaume, Albert and Bernat - they really know the area and are super nice people (and awsome riders). Bikecat included bfast, lunch and 4 dinners on a 6 day tour - food was exceptional and hotels were very good. We like to enjoy ourselves in the evenings and there was ample opportunity for fun and games after the rides. Can’t say enough good things about Jaume and the BikeCat Crew. We will be back! Jake H2018-08-14 Incredible trip and highly recommended! We came to Girona for 3 days of cycling. Bikecat was absolutely a gem. They organized beautiful rides every day. Their owner and guides are friendly, accommodating and very responsive. They also rented great bikes. This was one of our top vacations and I highly recommend using Bikecat and riding in Girona! John_DN6549KQ2018-07-22 TransPyrenees Bike Tour: Beautiful Roads, Excellent Support & Unforgettable Adventure Bikecat designed, coordinated and supported a fabulous bike trip that traversed the Pyrenees. The cycling was epic; the food delicious; and the support seamless and gracious. I have been on numerous bike trips and this was one of the best. Jaume & Albert saw to every detail and selected great places to stay and ride. The scenery was stunning. We had several rides with Bikecat the previous year when visiting Girona so they knew what we were capable of and that we liked challenges. They delivered with some great climbs and little traveled roads. Great trip: thank you Jaume and Albert! tmallett20182018-06-08 Bikecat is the best in Girona! If you want to have the true Catalan cycling experience, I highly recommend Bikecat. I have been on three tours organized by Bikecat . Each was flawlessly executed by a team of true professionals. This is not an "off the shelf" tour operator. Each tour is tailored to the experience and interest of the group. Jaume and his team are simply the best. Andrew M2017-09-24 epic cycling out of girona! A perfect experience of the front ring, the back ring and the suffeRING! The city, and its proximity to country side cycling are unparalleled. Add to this a wonderful and knowledgeable guide like Albert who can judge your abilities and adjust accordingly and you have the ultimate cycling trip. Highly recommended - I will be back for sure! rbp712017-07-25 Perfect location for bicycling with excellent guides and equipment Just got back from a vacation to Spain. We ended up in Barcelona and, knowing Girona, a proverbial bicycling mecca, was not too far away, I did some research on cycling there. All my research kept coming back to Bikecat. They are locally owned and operated and worked with me to fit in a ride of my choice on my schedule. Following some email exchanges on details, I hopped a train to Girona and walked to the shop where I met my guide, Albert. He had my Canyon bicycle (a treat for me since they are not yet for sale in the USA) ready and off we went. What a fantastic setting in which to ride. If you are near Girona and have time for a ride, you absolutely must call Bikecat. They are well versed in accommodating all caliber of riders and terrain. Not only did I get in an excellent workout in the mountains, but I got a history lesson along the way with a cafe espresso in a 17th century village. I will be back!Tripadvisor rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 73 reviews
Quina gira més increïble! Vau ser uns amfitrions fantàstics i es va cuidar tots els detalls. Un viatge de tota la vida i records que em portaré amb mi per sempre!
Només volia donar-vos les gràcies de nou per una gira absolutament increïble! Juntament amb la resta de l’equip de Bikecat, heu creat una experiència única a la vida. A mesura que el recorregut es desenvolupava davant nostre cada dia, tots els aspectes i detalls eren la perfecció. Des de quan ens vam conèixer per primera vegada a l’aeroport i vam rebre les nostres guies de la setmana, vaig quedar realment impressionat. Els hotels, el menjar, les atraccions, no hi ha res que jo faria de manera diferent. El més important, l’hospitalitat de tu i del teu equip va ser de primera. Sou una gran colla de nois i junts heu proporcionat aquest ingredient especial que va fer que el viatge fos tan únic i especial. El meu únic desig és que puguem anar junts més sovint! Segur que tornarem de nou, esperem que aviat!
Stefan Baerg – Mariposa Cycling Tour: Pyrenees to Girona Tour amb Michael Barry, setembre de 2016
Va ser una setmana excel·lent i encara estic repetint aquestes grans atraccions al meu cap. Us donem les gràcies a tots per donar-nos una experiència tan gran. Estic segur que tornaré aviat a Girona.
Tenir a Michael Barry amb nosaltres ho va fer tot tan perfecte amb els seus molts anys de muntar per la regió i les seves històries de vida com a ciclista professional. Conduir per les carreteres, en què va entrenar durant molts anys va ser una experiència meravellosa i estic disposat a fer-ho tot de nou. He estat explicant a qualsevol que escolti com és de meravellosa Catalunya, la gent, el camp, el menjar dels Bikecats.
Gràcies de nou per fer d’aquesta una gran experiència per a nosaltres.
David Harper – La Ruta Mar I Muntanya amb Michael Barry – Setembre 2016
Moltes gràcies per les grans imatges. La setmana va ser una de les millors de la meva vida. Agraeixo molt tot el que vas fer i tot el suport que em vas donar durant la ruta. A continuació es mostra una ressenya que podeu publicar si ho voleu.
Acabo d’acabar un viatge de 7 dies en bicicleta amb BikeCat. Aquest viatge va ser realment excepcional. Com a membre del personal d’una empresa de cicloturisme, sóc molt conscient del que es necessita per dur a terme un recorregut amb bicicleta amb èxit: planificació, atenció als detalls abans i durant el viatge, comunicació prèvia al viatge amb els ciclistes, suport a la carretera, oferir qualitat. allotjament hoteler, establiment de rutes, àpats de gran qualitat i personal de suport que entén les necessitats individuals dels motoristes. BikeCat va superar les meves expectatives en tots aquests àmbits. Em van proporcionar un lloguer de bicicletes d’alta qualitat que va alleujar la necessitat d’arrossegar la meva bicicleta pels aeroports. Em va sorprendre com van oferir rutes i suport al nostre grup, que incloïa pilots de nivells d’habilitats molt diferents. Tots ens vam sentir recolzats i còmodes amb les distàncies i la dificultat dels recorreguts. El personal va ser molt favorable a la meva manca de festes tant a l’escalada com a la baixada. Em van fer sentir còmode i em van oferir un entrenament tècnic individual. Per acabar l’experiència, l’Hotel Historic va ser un lloc fantàstic per allotjar-s’hi i ens van presentar una gran varietat de cuina espanyola.
Jan Lewis – Runaways Road Trip a Girona – Octubre 2016
Ens agradaria donar les gràcies a cadascun de vosaltres i a les vostres empreses per unir-vos per crear una experiència d’equitació i gira tan increïblement única. El teu treball dur, professionalitat, atenció als detalls, bicicletes, ser gent tan de qualitat, alegria, obertura, sinceritat, planificació de rutes, hotels i experiències gastronòmiques úniques et situen molt per sobre de tots els altres operadors turístics. El més important, l’interès genuí, l’amabilitat i la cura de cadascun de vosaltres per a cadascun de nosaltres és tan sincerament apreciat. Cadascú de nosaltres us coneixerà per sempre com a amics. Ben fet! Gràcies a cadascun de vosaltres per fer que cadascun dels nostres viatges sigui excepcional i ple de molts records increïbles de tota la vida!
Sidney Stacey
Un moment extraordinari en un lloc preciós. Vosaltres sou els millors. Els millors desitjos i espero tornar.
Mark Grant
Gràcies per una setmana increïble! Això ho recordaré per sempre.
James Peters
Les cames estan cansades, però el meu esperit està ple!
Alan Jette
Nois, un altre gran viatge. El teu esperit, entusiasme i professionalitat són inigualables.
The Pyrenean Eight – Pirineus a Girona amb Michael Barry – Setembre 2016
Vam fer un recorregut personalitzat per a cinc genets amb diferents habilitats i interessos. Ens van rebre amb un llibre de suport dur que detallava amb imatges i paraules els nostres plans de viatge proposats per a la setmana.
Bikecat va oferir un suport increïble, planificant rutes que coincideixen amb els corredors i d’alguna manera màgicament ens van fer trobar al mateix temps en un lloc designat per dinar. Gairebé sempre teníem una furgoneta de suport a prop i dos guies amb nosaltres que ens animaven, ens donaven pistes per anar en bicicleta i explicaven les fites o costums locals. El menjar era excel·lent, encara que més del que hauria d’haver consumit. L’Hotel Historic era una joia, un edifici restaurat que data de l’època romana. Quan vam girar una cantonada al vestíbul emmurallat de pedra, vaig sentir que era igual de probable que veiés un ciclista o un centurió romà. Bikecat va demanar mides detallades per endavant perquè les bicicletes de lloguer coincidís amb les nostres joies de casa. L’ajust de la bicicleta era perfecte. Em va sorprendre que la bicicleta fos una bicicleta de l’equip Garmin que antigament va conduir el ciclista del Tour de França Tim Duggan, una bicicleta molt dolça, però el seu pilot per a la setmana necessita molta feina.
Marlene – Cycling Tour Girona – Octubre 2015
Tal com vaig prometre, he escrit un article relacionat amb Bikecat i el nostre temps que vam passar amb vosaltres. Tant de bo expressi les meravelloses vacances que vam gaudir en Duncan i jo. L’acaba de publicar Headset Press: Headsetpress
Chris– Tour de cap de setmana a Girona – Abril 2016